The length of the alignment was 214 characters and the tree contained 202 unique branches. The tree was used to perform the UniFrac distance analysis, the UniFrac significance test and the Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA, unweighed). The UniFrac Lineage Specific Analysis option was then used to identify the fungal clades that significantly contributed to the differences in community composition between samples. The quantitative correlation between sequencing (clone library frequency) and qPCR (CE g-1 of dust) results was studied by calculating Spearman correlation coefficient for pairs of positive detections. Clone library percentage frequencies were first multiplied
by the sample’s fungal biomass value (ergosterol concentration) to better reflect the fungal levels in the samples (Fc = F*c[erg]). selleck products The correlation was calculated from log-transformed (X’ = log10(X+1)) data in R statistical environment [65]. P-values were subsequently computed from a permutation test with 10000 random replicates. Acknowledgements and funding We want to thank Martin Romantschuk and Martin Täubel for critically
reviewing the manuscript, and click here Kirsi Lipponen, Heli Martikainen and Pirkko Karakorpi for excellent technical assistance. The study was financially supported by the Finnish Technology Agency (Grant 40035/04), the Finnish Academy (Grant 111177) and the SYTYKE Graduate School in Environmental Health. Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Fig. S1: Rarefaction curves for the analysed nucITS clone libraries. (PDF 216 KB) Additional file 2: Table S1: Phylogenetic description, nearest database relative and frequency of detection of fungal molecular OTUs and isolated strains recovered from dust and water damaged building material. (PDF 177
KB) Additional file 3: Table S2: List of fungal VX-689 nmr phylotypes obtained from building materials by cultivation and clone library analysis. (PDF 121 KB) Additional file 4: Tables S3 and S4: Concentrations and diversity of fungi determined by culture (S3) and quantitative PCR (S4) in dust. (PDF 98 KB) Additional file 5: Fig. S2: Comparison of Endonuclease clone library frequencies and qPCR cell counts for fungal phylotypes targeted by mold specific qPCR. (PDF 66 KB) Additional file 6: Table S5: Statistical pair-wise comparison of nucITS clone libraries from settled dust samples. (PDF 54 KB) Additional file 7: Table S6: List of performed qPCR assays and targeted species. (PDF 78 KB) Additional file 8: Table S7: Summary of analysed samples and applied methods. (PDF 46 KB) References 1. Mendell MJ, Mirer AG, Cheung K, Tong M, Douwes J: Respiratory and allergic health effects of dampness, mold, and dampness-related agents: a review of the epidemiologic evidence. J Environ Health Perspect 2011, 119:748–756.CrossRef 2.