211 Nilsson and colleagues212 also found that high-dose aspirin (325 mg/day) use was associated with reduced rates of development of Alzheimer’s disease – presumably as a result of its anti-inflammatory effects- but more comprehensive study is needed. Finally, the anti-inflammatory effects of aspirin have been postulated to have potential benefit in depression, given recent suggestions that inflammation may contribute to the pathophysiology of this disease. There has been a single, small, open trial in 24 depressed patients who had not responded Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to a 4-week trial of SSRIs; the authors found that
the addition of aspirin to the SSRI led to rapid and sustained response in approximately one half of patients.213 However, much more research is required to determine whether the addition of aspirin to an antidepressant regimen Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for depression is indicated. The antiplatelet agent, clopidogrel, has not been associated with Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical significant neuropsychiatrie consequences; as experience with this agent increases, adverse neuropsychiatrie effects or therapeutic uses for neuropsychiatrie disorders may become apparent. Similarly, the anti-coagulant medications, heparin and warfarin, are not commonly associated with neuropsychiatrie
effects. Bottom line: Use of antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications
has not been consistently associated with substantial Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical neuropsychiatrie consequences. Aspirin may cause delirium in toxicity. Selected antiarrhythmic medications Class I agents These agents, which exert their therapeutic effects by blocking sodium channels, were commonly prescribed for many years, especially among acutely ill patients in intensive care settings. Their popularity has waned recently, though they remain in use. Doxorubicin chemical structure disopyramide (Class la) The majority of neuropsychiatrie consequences of disopyramide Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical use result from the anticholinergic properties of this medication. Delirium can result from such anticholinergic effects,214 and there have been case reports these of disopyramide-associated psychosis.215,216 Other neuropsychiatrie consequences of use are uncommon. Therapeutically, disopyramide has been studied in the treatment of neurally mediated hypotension among patients who suffer from chronic fatigue; small studies suggest that it may provide benefit to persons whose fatigue is related to such hypotension.217,218 Procainamide (Class Ia) Although procainamide is generally associated with low rates of neuropsychiatrie side effects, procainamideinduced psychosis has been reported in a variety of case reports involving seven patients.