83) constituted the positive affect scale. The negative affect scale consisted of mean scores
on the items ‘I feel insecure’, ‘[I feel lonely’, ‘I feel anxious’, ‘I feel down’, ‘I have difficulty concentrating’, ‘I feel angry’, and ‘I feel guilty’ (Cronbach’s alpha=0.85). Psychotic symptoms Symptomatology #Bortezomib ic50 keyword# was assessed with eight psychosis items, rated on seven-point Likert scales [rating from not at all (=1) to very (=7)]; ‘I feel suspicious’, ‘My thoughts are influenced by others’, ‘My thoughts can’t be expressed in words’, ‘I can’t get these thoughts out of my head’, ‘I feel unreal’, ‘I hear voices’, ‘I see things that aren’t really there’, ‘I’m afraid I’ll lose control’ (Cronbach’s alpha=0.81). Symptom severity was additionally assessed with the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) [Ventura et al. 1993]. Analyses For each ESM report, the time at which patients Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical indicated they completed the report was compared with the actual time of the beep. All reports completed more than 15min
after the signal were excluded from the analyses. Previous work has shown that reports completed after this interval Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical are less reliable and consequently less valid [Delespaul, 1995]. For the same reason, patients with fewer than 20 valid reports at either T 0 or T 1 were also excluded Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical from the analyses. T 0 data from patients who dropped out of the study at T 1 were not included in the analyses. All analyses, therefore, were performed on the sample that had completed both T 0 and T 1 assessments. Multilevel linear regression analyses, using the XTREG procedure in STATA Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (Stata/Mp 10.0 for Windows © 1985–2007 StataCorp. LP), were conducted with aripiprazole treatment as an independent dichotomous variable (0=T 0 – premedication switch to aripiprazole; 1=T 1 – postmedication switch to aripiprazole), and negative affect, positive affect, and psychosis as dependent variables in three separate models, with sex and any change of concomitant medication
(entered as dummies of the respective medications) added as covariates. Results Subjects Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample, and details on antipsychotic and concomitant much medication use, are summarized in Tables 1 and and22 respectively. Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample at T 0 (‘baseline’). Table 2. Antipsychotic and concomitant medication use throughout the study (see text for details). After 5 weeks of aripiprazole treatment, 6 of the initial 13 patients again completed a 6-day ESM assessment (T 1) while continuing aripiprazole therapy. At T 0 these six patients had received olanzapine (n=3), pimozide (n=1), haloperidol (n=1) or quetiapine (n=1) treatment.