However, during the terminal selleck chemical stages of synapse development, which is marked by close approximation of the cytolytic granules to the interface, there was clear
molecular remodeling at the IS. In YTS-721.221 conjugates, IQGAP1 and F-actin were partitioned away from the IS immediately prior to degranulation in the mature synapses (Fig. 9, compare A with B). Furthermore, this partitioning of F-actin and IQGAP1 was limited to those image planes that correlated with juxta-positioning of the cytolytic granules at the synapse (Supporting Information Fig. 1). This analysis was further extended to pNK cells. We observed striking similarities between pNK-mediated K562 killing and YTS-mediated 721.221 killing mechanism. In pNK target conjugates, IQGAP1 and F-actin levels decreased from the synapse as the granules approached the IS. Both species of proteins were clearly excluded from the IS immediately prior to final degranulation stage (Fig. 9D). The partitioning was strictly limited to the regions occupied by the granules (indicated by * in Fig. 9D and Supporting Information Fig. 2).
Hence, in NK cells both of these molecules appear to be under strict spatial and temporal regulation which is coordinated with the positioning of cytolytic granules relative to the IS. These observations highlight the mechanistic similarities between the different NK cells and further
our suggested role of IQGAP1 in NK-cell function. The rationale for undertaking the Lumacaftor molecular weight present study was to determine if IQGAP1 was required for NK effector functions. Previous studies on cytotoxic T cells indicated that IQGAP1 underwent marked distributional changes as the IS matured 10. However, neither the requirement for, nor the specific role(s) of IQGAP1 in the cytotoxic process were clear from these studies. The results of the present investigation clearly demonstrate an obligate requirement for IQGAP1 in NK-mediated cytotoxicity. It appears that IQGAP1 plays critical roles in multiple aspects of the events required for this process including granule reorientation and reorganization at the NKIS. IQGAP1 is a multidomain protein with the potential to interact with cytoskeletal structural elements as well as several regulators of cytoskeletal organization. Importantly, the ability of IQGAP1 to simultaneously interact, through its N- and C-terminal regions, respectively, with F-actin filaments and microtubules, provides a potential mechanism to link these cytoskeleton elements 18, 19, 30. Indeed, IQGAP1 has been implicated in a diverse range of functional and morphological changes that are dependent on cytoskeletal patterning. These include lamellipodia, adherens junctions, pseudopodia, and the formation of phagocytic cups 15, 22, 31–33.