leucopus as WU 29231a. Specimens examined: Austria,
Kärnten, Klagenfurt Land, St. Margareten im Rosental, Oberdörfl, at Nagu, MTB 9452/4, 46°31′55″ N, 14°27′01″ E, elev. 710 m, on the ground under Picea abies, 8 Sep. 1998, H. Voglmayr (WU 18557). Finland, Etelä-Häme, Luopioinen; grid 68100:2544, on needle litter in spruce forest, 14 Aug. 2007, E. Smolander (WU 29231, culture CBS 122499 = C.P.K. 3160). Pohjois-Karjala, Kitee, Komolinmäki Nature Reserve, grid 6888:664, mixed forest with spruce and birch, on the ground under Picea abies, soc. Oxalis sp., attached to litter of spruce needles and birch leaves, 21 Sep. 2007, S. Huhtinen 07/108 (TUR, culture CBS 122495, C.P.K. 3164). Pohjois-Karjala, Kitee, Komolinmäki Nature Reserve, grid 6888:664, mixed forest with spruce and birch, on the ground, 21 Sep. 2007, T. Rämä (TUR), culture C.P.K. 3527. Germany, Bavaria, Oberfranken, 10 km W of Bayreuth, grid 6034/2, in leaf litter on the ground between Pseudotsuga menziesii, Fagus, HKI-272 manufacturer Betula and Larix, soc. Spathularia flavida, 27 Aug. 2010, A. Sorafenib research buy Bröckel, comm. C. Gubitz (WU 30205). Notes: Hypocrea leucopus, the type species of Podostroma P. Karst. (1892), has long been considered as a synonym of H. alutacea, the type species of Podocrea (Sacc.) Lindau (1897). The latter forms clavate to irregular, often laterally
fused stromata on branches and logs of deciduous trees usually well above the ground, and forms a Trichoderma-like anamorph with conidia being green on CMD, at least in fresh cultures. Hypocrea leucopus occurs on the ground in forests typically containing coniferous trees. Forest debris such as leaves, needles, minute twigs, moss and fungal rhizomorphs are typically firmly appressed to the base of the stromata. The fungus may therefore probably feed on cellulose-containing materials and/or fungi. Associated Parvulin Wnt inhibitor bryophytes are often vital and possibly provide for a favourable moist microclimate. Stromata of a specimen from South Carolina, U.S.A. (WU 30284), identified using gene sequences from DNA extracted from them, were growing on Carya nutshells. Other species forming upright stromata in leaf litter of North European forests are
Hypocrea nybergiana and H. seppoi. The former differs from H. leucopus by larger and more intensely pigmented stromata, slightly larger ascospores and larger conidia on large solitary phialides, while the latter forms smaller, delicate stromata with horizontal perithecial groups in the transition area between the fertile part and the stipe, a more irregular verticillium-like anamorph, and it grows considerably more slowly at 25°C on CMD, PDA and SNA than H. leucopus. Pustulate pachybasium-like conidiation in addition to effuse verticillium-like conidiation on SNA or CMD has not been seen in any of the other Hypocrea species with upright stromata. Due to difficulties to reproduce pustules, only a short description of an overmature pustule of T. leucopus is given. Hypocrea nybergiana T. Ulvinen & H.L. Chamb.