Most of the studies are focused on pool boiling and single-phase heat transfer in microchannels. selleck compound Additionally, the encouraging results of a few research works on boiling heat transfer in microchannels at very low nanoparticle volume fractions show the possibility of
employing boiling nanofluid in micro heat sinks. Therefore, more efforts must be made in this field to improve effectiveness in engineering designs and applications. The objective of this study is to investigate the boiling thermal performance of water-based silver nanoparticles in rectangular minichannels. Experiments were conducted with pure water and nanofluids having low nanoparticle concentrations. The results of local heat transfer coefficients Bortezomib nmr for both water and nanofluids were compared under steady state. Effects of the suspended silver nanoparticles in water on the local surface temperature, local heat flux, and local
heat transfer coefficient are also analyzed. Experimental setup Flow loop Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the test setup that has been built to conduct experiments for boiling local heat transfer in the minichannels. The test setup consists of fluid loop with working fluid reservoir and a preheater, variable speed gear pump, test section, heat exchanger, power regulator, thermocouples, computer, and acquisition data devices. The working fluid temperature at the vented reservoir is controlled at a desired temperature by a preheater that consists of resistance, temperature regulator, and a K-type sensor. In addition, the reservoir volume is large
enough to take back all the fluid when the facility is shut down. The magnetic MCP-Z standard drive gear pump circulates the working fluid to the test section from the vented reservoir. Water exiting the test section is cooled via a heat exchanger before reaching the reservoir. The 75 μm K-type thermocouples are used to measure the inner wall temperature of the minichannels. The whole test rig is fully automated through a computer using the National Instruments devices (National Instruments Corp., Austin, TX, USA). Figure 1 A schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus. PRKD3 Test section Figure 2 presents the top view of the test section consisting of a 220 × 220 × 10 mm3 copper block. Fifty parallel rectangular channels are machined on the block’s upper side. Each channel has a rectangular cross section (2,000 μm width and 500 μm height) and a length of 160 mm. The distance between the center lines of the two adjacent channels is 4 mm. Figure 3 shows the test model assembly. The flow channels are formed by covering the top side of the copper plate with a polycarbonate plate of 220 × 220 × 4 mm3 which is also used as an insulator and a transparent cover in order to visualize the boiling flow patterns.