Scale bars are 10μm 3 4 In Vitro

Scale bars are 10μm. … 3.4. In Vitro Transfection Using PVA/HAp/DNA Nanoparticles The expressing of the delivered DNA compositing with PVA and HAp was assayed by measuring luciferase activity (Figure 6). Low luciferase activity was shown for the HAp/DNA complex. This is caused by the strong

aggregation of HAp/DNA complexes [20]. The level of luciferase activity of PVA/DNA nanoparticles was similar Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to that of the HAp/DNA complex due to the slow internalization of PVA/DNA nanoparticles into cells, which could probably permit DNA degradation. In the case of the PVA/HAp/DNA nanoparticles, which can be taken up by cells quickly, high luciferase activity was shown, indicating that the encapsulation Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of HAp in PVA/DNA nanoparticles could enhance the transfection efficiency in vitro. However, the transection efficiency of the PVA/HAp/DNA nanoparticles was lower than in the high-efficient calcium phosphate transfection method, which is optimized for in vitro transfection [21]. Figure 6 In

vitro transfection using HAp/DNA, PVA/DNA and PVA/HAp/DNA complexes. Each value represents the mean ± SD (n = 3). *P < .05. 3.5. In Vivo Transfection Using Hydrodynamic Injection In vivo transfection was performed by using a hydrodynamic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical selleck inhibitor method (Figure 7). This method is known as an effective plasmid DNA transfection method without gene carrier to liver [35]. Figure 7(a) shows the results of in vivo hydrodynamic injection using various nanoparticles. The luciferase activity of the PVA/DNA complex (PVA: 0.001w/v%) was lower than that of DNA injection, whereas high luciferase activity was achieved Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for PVA/HAp/DNA

nanoparticles at the PVA concentration of 0.001w/v% (HAp: 0.0001w/v%). At PVA concentration of 0.01w/v% (HAp: 0.001w/v%), Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the luciferase activity of PVA/HAp/DNA nanoparticles decreased compared to that of 0.001w/v%. This is thought to be caused by the insignificant uptake of the large particles of PVA/HAp/DNA nanoparticles (about 780nm, Figure 2, Table 1) by hepatocytes [36]. When the luciferase activity in lung was also investigated, the low activity was detected in lung compared to that in liver, irrespective of type of nanoparticles. Figure 7 Transgene expression Casein kinase 1 (luciferase activity) of plasmid DNA, PVA/DNA, and PVA/HAp/DNA complexes injected by in vivo hydrodynamic method. (b) Time course of transgene expression of plasmid DNA and PVA/HAp/DNA complexes injected by in vivo hydrodynamic method. … The time-course of transgene activity was also investigated (Figure 7(b)). For plasmid DNA, the highest value for luciferase activity was detected after 12 hours, and the level of gene expression significantly decreased over time. On the other hand, in the case of PVA/HAp/DNA nanoparticles, the highest value for luciferase activity was achieved for 24 hours. This result indicates that the PVA/HAp/DNA nanoparticles could prolong the gene expression.

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