Table 1 summarizes all types of control and relate it to the entries in D. All other ε values, ε11 and ε33, are based on mass action and have positive values. Table 1 Control schemes during growth on carbohydrates. Note that fructose-1,6-bisphosphate acts directly as allostericeffector on pyruvatekinase as well as via FruR. 1 Activation should be seen as double repression: fructose-1,6-bisphosphate inhibits FruR activity; … The following derivatives are Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical calculated: (3) As can be seen immediately for the important metabolites fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and pyruvate, the sign is fixed and positive while the sign of glucose 6-phosphate
shows a complex pattern. The sign of PEP only depends on the feedforward activation and could be positive or negative.
For a more complete Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical network of central metabolism in E. coli, all entries of the Jacobian matrix were determined and analyzed [10]. It turns out that most entries have fixed signs for a given flux distribution with exception of the feedforward loop represented here by ε32. Matrix D is related to the inverse of the Jacobian and a similar pattern can also be found here. To further explore these equations, a more detailed analysis Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical was done with the following Idarubicin kinetic approximations [4]: (4) and the following kinetics for the lumped PTS system: (5) In many studies, classical saturation kinetics are chosen for the kinetic rate laws. Here, saturation is not explicitly taken into account and kinetic rate
laws are approximated with power law exponents (κi for genetic control, all other exponents for mass action and allosteric control) which are not necessarily integers. Since PEP is involved in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical signaling, the behavior of PEP is analyzed in more detail. As discussed in [4], PEP is a highly energetic compound and it is expected that for low growth rates this metabolite should not accumulate. However, based on the analysis of the feedforward loop [11], Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a monotonously decreasing behavior is necessary for a robust behavior. To resolve this conflict (a high value of the concentration of PEP is good for robustness, a low value is expected from physiological considerations), of the behavior of PEP depending on the uptake rate is studied in more detail. Here, we found that a strict local maximum for PEP depending on the input flux rup could be obtained under the following conditions: (6) (7) Equation (6) poses a constraint on the reaction order and the influence from transcriptional control. In order to avoid high values of PEP for small growth rates, the condition could be verified with the results of NCA and parameter estimation for the other parameters. The constraint can be interpreted as follows: the strength of control on pyruvate kinase (κ3 and α) should be larger than the strength of control on the lumped glycolytic reaction rgly (κ2 and β). The second constraint requires that the latter one is reversible.