The LepA protein from M. tuberculosis possess GTPase activity. Bacterial GTP-binding proteins play a role in regulation of ribosomal function and cell cycle, modulation of DNA partitioning and DNA segregation [74]. In Helicobacter pylori LepA is important for growth at low pH and may play a role in infection [75]. The lysS gene from M. avium is 81% homologous to the lysX gene from M. tuberculosis. LysX from M. tuberculosis is required for synthesis of lysinylated phosphatidylglycerol. A LysX mutant was shown to be sensitive to cationic antibiotics and peptides, to be more lysosome-associated and to display defective growth in mouse and
guinea pig lungs [76]. So far, nothing is known about the role of the Eltanexor chemical structure AZD1080 clinical trial nitrogenase reductase family protein
for growth and pathogenicity of mycobacteria and answering this question will be one of our future aims. In summary, by analysing 50 random mutants, we uncovered four genes from MAH to play a role in the interaction with host cells and thus in virulence. The homologues of three of the four genes were shown to contribute to virulence in other bacterial species, which supports the significance of our screening procedure. Mutant complementation and evaluation of polar down-stream effects To prove that the phenotypes of the mutants were indeed a cause of the inactivation of the mutated genes, we aimed at complementing the mutants by introducing the intact genes by electroporation. Only the transfer of gene MAV_3128 into the respective mutant was successful. Mutant MAV_3128 had shown the strongest and most different phenotypic changes in comparison to wild-type among the eight tested mutants in almost all the phenotypic tests. A complementation is best performed if the copy number of gene transcripts generated by the complementing Baf-A1 in vivo gene narrows the copy number in the wild-type. We therefore used a plasmid for cloning (pMV306) that integrates once in the genome of the mutant and included the upstream region of MAV_3128 to most likely cover the promoter of the gene. This upstream region had a size of about 680 bp and the gene MAV_3127, which is
located upstream of MAV_3128, has an orientation in opposite direction of MAV_3128 (see see more Figure 2). Therefore it was expected that the upstream region will contain the promoter sequence of the MAV_3128 gene. Thus a 3907 bp DNA fragment was cloned into the integrative vector pMV306. The resulting recombinant plasmid pFKaMAV3128 was successfully transformed into the mutant MAV_3128 to generate the complemented strain MAV3128Comp. Selected phenotypic tests (plating on Congo Red Agar and intracellular survival) were repeated with the complemented strain. Upon plating on Congo Red agar (Figure 7 A), the pale colour of mutant MAV_3128 could no longer be seen in MAV3128Comp, except some pale corners in colonies. This may indicate the loss of the plasmid in absence of selection pressure.