1% (95% CI 79 6, 92 1; p < 0 0001) during the first follow-up per

1% (95% CI 79.6, 92.1; p < 0.0001) during the first follow-up period.[24] Similar results were also demonstrated in the second follow-up period (2005–6) and when both follow-up periods were combined. For all follow-up periods, vaccine efficacy was also significant (p < 0.0001) against severe

RVGE (defined as a score of ≥11 on the 20-point Vesikari scale), RVGE requiring hospitalization, and RVGE requiring medical attention. In addition, vaccine efficacy against any and severe RVGE caused by each of the rotavirus G types identified (G1, G2, G3, G4, and G9) was significant (p ≤ 0.02) in the combined efficacy follow-up period.[24] Various naturalistic studies conducted selleckchem in developed countries have demonstrated the ‘real-world’ effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination after introduction of the vaccine for routine use in the community setting. Typically, these studies compared various outcomes, such as the numbers of RVGE cases, RVGE-related hospitalizations, and/or emergency department visits, that occurred during the

pre-vaccination period with those that occurred during a specific Emricasan period after widespread or universal introduction of a rotavirus vaccination program. Studies conducted in the Australian state of Queensland[27] and in European countries[28–30] involved rotavirus vaccination programs with either the monovalent or pentavalent rotavirus vaccine, whereas studies conducted in the US generally focused only on the pentavalent vaccine (reviewed elsewhere[31,32]). Rotavirus vaccine RIX4414 was generally well tolerated in clinical trials,

with an overall tolerability profile similar to that of placebo.[21,23] heptaminol There was no increased risk of MAPK inhibitor intussusception with rotavirus vaccine RIX4414 in a large (n = 63 225), placebo-controlled, pre-licensure safety study conducted in Latin America and Finland.[21,25] However, interim results from a postmarketing active surveillance study conducted in Mexico, along with worldwide passive surveillance data, suggest that there may be an increased risk of intussusception during the first 7 days after administration.[21] Both the US prescribing information[21] and the EU summary of product characteristics[23] state that rotavirus vaccine RIX4414 should not be administered to infants with a previous history of intussusception or to those with uncorrected congenital malformation of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. Meckel’s diverticulum) that would predispose them to intussusception. 3.

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