The activity of each promoter was measured

using a β-gala

The GDC-0994 clinical trial activity of each promoter was measured

using a β-galactosidase assay during exponential growth. Although ΔrpoE was observed to have a slightly prolonged lag phase relative to wild type cells under these experimental conditions, at later time points the mutant grew similarly to wild type. To account for any differences in growth kinetics of the cultures, all data was normalized to the optical density at 600 nm of the culture, which permitted direct comparisons. In wild type cells, promoter activity from all the transcriptional fusions was high, as expected, because LPM medium is highly inducing for SsrB activity [21]. In contrast, promoter activity for sseA, ssaB, and sifA decreased in the rpoE mutant compared to wild type cells (Figure 2A, B and 2D), whereas promoter activity from the ssaG and srfN reporters was upregulated in the rpoE mutant (Figure 2C and 2F). β-galactosidase activity observed from the Adriamycin sseL reporter was unaltered in the rpoE deletion compared

to that in wild type cells (Figure 2E). These data are consistent with the protein levels detected for these gene products. Together, these data indicate that σE can have a variable and bidirectional effect on SsrB-regulated virulence genes. Figure 2 The transcriptional activity of SsrB-regulated virulence genes is affected by an rpoE deletion. Wild type and ΔrpoE cells carrying single-copy PU-H71 cost chromosomal transcriptional reporters of (A) PsseA::pPsseA-lacZ, (B) PssaB::pPssaB-lacZ, (C) PssaG::pPssaG-lacZ, (D) PsifA::pPsifA-lacZ, (E) acetylcholine PsseL::pPsseL-lacZ and (F) PsrfN::pPsrfN-lacZ were grown in LPM (pH 5.8). At the indicated time β-galactosidase activity was measured

and expressed as relative light units (RLU) normalized to optical density of the culture. Wild type and ΔrpoE cells lacking the transcriptional reporters were used as controls in each experiment. Data are the means with standard error from triplicate determinations from three independent experiments. The effect of RpoE on virulence genes is downstream of ssrB expression The variable effects of rpoE deletion on SsrB-regulated effectors suggested that RpoE might direct transcription downstream of ssrB expression. To test this, we replaced the ssrB gene in ΔrpoE and wild type cells with an ssrB::FLAG allele [19] and examined the levels of SsrB protein in the strains by western blot. There was no change in the levels of SsrB-FLAG between wild type and ΔrpoE cells (Figure 3), indicating that the effects of RpoE on the four classes of virulence gene promoters examined here was not mediated through changes to SsrB protein levels. Together these data establish a role for RpoE in the fine-tuning of virulence gene expression in S. Typhimurium. Figure 3 The effect of RpoE on SsrB-regulated genes is downstream of ssrAB expression. The ssrB gene in wild type and ΔrpoE cells was replaced with an ssrB-FLAG allele in its native location on the chromosome.

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