Because disease genes also mark functional pathways, they may serve as reference molecules for other related molecules in the affected network, which may represent, more suitable drug targets with regard
to their molecular properties and genetic variability pattern. With respect to the second issue, one major consequence to be drawn is to establish as an essential requirement of the systematic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and comprehensive analysis of the entire individual gene sequences encoding the drug targets in appropriately chosen samples. It will be mandatory to determine the entire polymorphic spectra of the genes, as well as the haplotype structures underlying them. A second critical analytical task in this context, will be to evaluate to what extent potentially given complexity can be reduced to functionally distinct, haplotype classes and/or Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical GABA Receptor inhibitor distinct protein isoforms. In-depth knowledge on the genetic variability of a drug
target under consideration, especially the spectrum and frequencies of underlying haplotype structures in populations,84 will have to become an indispensable prerequisite for drug target evaluation, characterization, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and prioritization. Needless to say these requirements refer to both the specific drug targets under consideration and the genes involved in drug metabolism and transport. There is currently no a priori way of predicting the specific genetic variability in a drug target, or any other gene of pharmaceutical relevance, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical given its stochastic nature; each gene must, be rigorously subjected to systematic comparative sequence and haplotype
analysis in populations. Extrapolating from the body of data described above, about two to seven different, haplotypes that occur most, frequently Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (at frequencies of the minor allele >5%) may be expected on average. This implies that the most, frequent, haplotypes amount to fractions of 16% to >50% of all haplotypes, constituting altogether about 51 % to 96% of the total of otypes.29,33,46,70 Moreover, the numbers of rare haplotypes (frequencies of the minor allele <1%) may potentially be substantial, as outlined above. However, diversity at the sequence and haplotype level does not necessarily imply Urease diversity at the protein level. Thus, the assignment of individual sequence haplotypes to protein isoforms will be one first, critical step towards the evaluation of the implications of given candidate gene variability. Hardly any data have been presented regarding the relationships between sequence haplotypes and protein isoforms, with the exception of the work on APOE sequence haplotypes by Fullerton et al.25 These authors demonstrated convergence of 31 different sequence haplotypes onto three different protein isoforms.