Patients assigned a score of “0” are unable to perform the task

Patients assigned a score of “0” are unable to perform the task. Each item is rated using a scale from 1 to 7, with a score of “1” corresponding to total assistance and “7” corresponding to complete independence.26, 30 The FIM scores “6” (modified

independence) and “7” (complete independence) were not considered for the Perme ICU Mobility Score because we determined that patients in the ICU are not likely to have such a high level of independence. The scoring system adopted in the Perme ICU Mobility Score is similar to the FIM and FSS-ICU but instead ranges from 0 to 3. Of the 15 items on the Perme ICU Mobility Score, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 6 had kappa values of < .60, which is considered moderate to nonagreement.31 To improve agreement, we developed instructions to standardize the use of the tool. Future testing of

reliability Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is planned using the new instructions sheet. Item 2 in the Perme ICU Mobility Score had a kappa value of “0,” which means non-agreement between two raters. The authors decided to retain the item, as the real and expected agreement for Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical this item was 97.17%. This represented just one patient with non-agreement, leading to the decision to keep the item in the tool. In our study, the “real agreement” between raters for all items had a median IQR percentage of 94.29% (68.57-100%), and items in the categories of “bed mobility” and “transfers” showed moderate agreement. For the “bed mobility” category, the “supine to sit” item showed an agreement of 77.14% and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical “sitting balance on the side of bed” showed an agreement of 71.43%. For the “transfers” category, the “sit to stand” item showed an agreement of 77.14%, “standing balance”

showed an agreement of 68.57%, and “transfer to chair” showed an agreement of 74.29%. One reason for the moderate agreement between raters in these items could be a different perception of patient’s effort, since one physical therapist assisted the patient while the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical other only observed without physically touching the patient. In the future, we plan to test the same patient repeatedly and randomize the two raters’ sequence of assisting versus observing. The Perme ICU Mobility Score is a well-defined quantitative tool that provides a reliable assessment of an ICU patient’s mobility status. It is also practical in that it can be completed first in just a few minutes at the end of mobility interventions. This is clinically relevant for clinicians, as it provides an objective evaluation of the mobility status in the ICU setting. The tool is intended for use in any ICU population and in both clinical and research applications. However, in the present study the tool was only selleck inhibitor applied in a CVICU, which can be considered a limitation. Further studies are needed to test its validity, reliability, and applicability across different ICU populations.

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