The average amino acid composition of each prolamin group was cal

The average amino acid composition of each prolamin group was calculated using the gliadin, glutenin, and avenin sequences from the GenBank, and the avenin sequences isolated in this paper (Table 5, Figure S3). The 20 amino acids in the prolamin groups were significantly different between oats and wheat. In the wheat gliadins, the major amino acids were Pro, Gln and Leu, except in ��-gliadins with just Pro and Gln comprising 65% of the total amino acids. The wheat glutenins shared as major amino acids Pro, Gln and Ser, but the HMW range also presented Gly and Leu as the major amino acids. The three groups of avenins shared Pro, Gln, Val, and Leu, but avenins from group A also presented Met as a major component. All prolamin groups studied in this work had Pro and Gln as major amino acids.

Furthermore, avenins, unlike wheat prolamins, are rich in Val, and wheat glutenins presented Ser as major amino acid, unlike the other groups of prolamins analyzed in this paper. Table 5 Means of frequency percentage of each amino acid calculated from the avenin sequences, reported in this work, and from the sequences of the gluten proteins presents in the GenBank. Analysis of expression patterns of avenin genes of oat cultivars that differ in toxicity for celiac disease by real time PCR To know the expression patterns of avenin genes during seed development, we analyzed three cultivars of A. sativa with different CD-toxicity designated OF720 (non-toxic variety), OH727 (medium-toxic variety) and OM719 (high-toxicity variety), described by Comino et al., 2011.

The expression was studied at 0, 4, 8, 12, 20 and 28 DPA, using quantitative RT-PCR with the primer pairs AvenB-q1F/AvenB-q1R, AvenA2-q1F/AvenA2-q1R, and AvenA1-q1F/AvenA1-q1R (Table 1), corresponding to the ��A��, ��B��, and ��C�� neighbor-joining tree groups, respectively (Figure 4). The expression of all avenin groups was detectable at 8 DPA in the three different cultivars of A. sativa (Figure 5). Varieties OF720 and OH727 presented a continuous increase in expression levels from 8 DPA to 28 DPA, the highest level of expression. However, OM719 cultivar reached the maximum level of expression at 20 DPA, with expression decreasing from that stage of development. We observed that avenins of group ��C�� were expressed at higher level than those of groups ��A�� and ��B�� in all varieties. Avenins of group ��B�� in OH727 and OM719 cultivars, and avenins of group ��A�� in OF720, were expressed at the lowest levels. Thus, the expression of avenin genes and therefore the synthesis of avenins, begins at an early stage of grain development and continues even three weeks after anthesis. Figure 5 Analysis Entinostat of avenin genes expression in three cultivars of A. sativa during seed development.

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