3 nm with a relatively learn more narrow distribution of 39.1 ~ 119.4 nm as denoted in Figure 2b. As the molar concentration of NaOH solution increased to 1.2 M, the obtained particle size was 224.7 nm with a wide distribution ranging from 131.7 to 387.9 nm (Figure 2d). Similarly, when the molar concentration of NaOH solution increased to 1.5 M, the average diameter became 211.1 nm (Figure 2f) with a wide distribution of 145.0 to 300.5 nm. The surfaces in the case of panels Figure 2a,c were rough. The effect of the molar concentration of NaOH
solution on the size of nickel particles is discussed in terms of nickel growth mechanism. From the transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation, the as-obtained nickel particles JPH203 are spherical and relatively uniform in the low-magnification TEM images in Figure 3a,b. Actually, these quasi-spherical particles contain a number of ultra small particles of less than 50 nm, as shown in Figure 3c, indicating they are Ni multicrystal which is confirmed by the electron selleck screening library diffraction pattern in Figure 3d. Figure 2 SEM images and size distributions of nickel particles
at different NaOH concentrations. SEM images (a,b,c) and size distributions (d,e,f) of nickel particles obtained with different NaOH concentration: (a,b) 0.8 M, (c,d) 1.2 M, and (e,f) 1.5 M. Figure 3 TEM images and electron diffraction pattern of Ni nanoparticles. TEM images (a,b,c) and electron diffraction pattern (d) of Ni nanoparticles obtained at 70°C when the molar concentration of NaOH is 0.8 M.
During the formation of Ni particle, the reactions may take place as follows: (1) (2) When the molar concentration of NaOH in the NiSO4 solution is low, the reduction rate of nickel ion becomes slow and numerous light green clusters of Ni(OH)2 generate in the initial stage of reaction of about 15 min. Then Ni nanoparticles form gradually by the reduction of uniform clusters of Ni(OH)2 during the following 100 min. In contrast, the clusters of Ni(OH)2 become larger and the amount of the clusters decreases when the molar concentration of NaOH is higher than 1 M. Structural characterization of Ni particles The formation of nickel particles is confirmed by XRD studies. In the XRD profile (Figure 4), the three characteristic diffraction peaks of metallic copper over 40° are observed, which agrees well 4��8C with the standard nickel diffraction pattern (ICDD, PDF file No. 01-070-1849). These correspond to the (111), (200), and (220) diffraction planes of only cubic Ni phase. The crystallite size of Ni for the most intense peak (111) plane was determined from the X-ray diffraction data using the Debye-Scherrer formula: Figure 4 XRD patterns of nickel powder at different molar concentrations of NaOH. (3) where D is the crystallite size, k = 0.89 is a correction factor to account for particle shapes, β is the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the most intense diffraction peak (111) plane, λ = 1.5406 Å is the wavelength of Cu target, and θ is the Bragg angle.